Tech Talent Thrives in Bahrain: A Hub for Innovation and Growth

As companies have worked to push innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness, organizations around the globe have turned to their workforce to help drive this change. Specifically, the growth and procurement of tech talent have emerged as a pivotal force for companies to achieve these goals. The ability to cultivate, attract, and retain skilled technologists is now critical for organizational success. Companies want to find tech talent from places that put the work in to cultivate their new professionals. Places that allow these individuals to start preparing early for the employment world. Amidst this backdrop, Bahrain stands out as a burgeoning hub for tech talent. With its forward-thinking policies, investment in education and digital infrastructure, and a strategic focus on economic diversification, Bahrain is carving out a niche for itself. It’s becoming increasingly clear why Bahrain is among the top destinations to consider when looking to recruit tech talent for your business.

The Global Landscape of Tech Talent

In recent years, the demand for tech talent has surged to unprecedented levels, creating a global scramble for skilled professionals. This spans across industries, from traditional sectors seeking digital transformation to tech giants at the forefront of innovation. However, this demand has also led to a significant talent scarcity, posing challenges for companies worldwide. For example, a poll conducted by MIT found that 64% of tech leaders believe new candidates for IT positions lack the necessary skills to adequately do the job, and another 56% responded that there is just an overall shortage of candidates. Additionally, a 2021 Gartner survey that by 2030 more than 85 million jobs may go unfilled. Top-tier tech talent is needed more than ever, and businesses are compelled to seek talent with educational excellence and tech savviness. It is within this context that Bahrain emerges as a potential resource, with its robust educational system, favorable business environment, and strategic initiatives aimed at nurturing and attracting world-class tech talent.

How Bahrain Cultivates Tech Talent

Bahrain’s strategic investments in nurturing tech talent have helped it become a leading tech hub. Bahrain’s approach involves bolstering educational infrastructure, fostering industry-academia partnerships, and creating an attractive environment for skilled tech professionals.

The University of Bahrain and Bahrain Polytechnic have grown to become integral for Bahrain to create tech talent. These institutions feature a curriculum that includes cutting-edge tech courses and hands-on training, ensuring students are well-versed in the latest technological advancements and industry demands. The University of Bahrain has created a program called the Cloud Innovation Center specifically designed to help students gain experience with Amazon Web Services. Similarly, Bahrain Polytechnic’s focus on applied learning and innovation equips graduates with the skills needed to excel in the tech industry.

New schools and programs are continuing to become available in Bahrain as well. Reboot01 has become one of Bahrain’s newest training institutes, focused on training coding experts. Graduates of this two-year training program will emerge with the skills necessary to be full-stack developers and have access to work across multiple industries. Reboot01 is the first training program of its kind in Bahrain and is powered by the global coding network and expertise of 01 Edu. These educational and training opportunities have allowed Bahrain to foster more and more tech talent to fill the gaps. 

Bahrain is committed to creating new tech talent and providing opportunities for skilled workers to find the roles that best fit their talents. Launching global tech hubs, like  Citi Bank did, has helped facilitate unique opportunities for Bahrain’s tech talent. After an arduous research process, and testing many locations and their skilled workers, Bahrain was found to have the highest pass rate on the coding test. After opening the tech hub, Bahraini coders have assisted Citi Bank in developing their digital platforms. 

Additionally, both Hope Talents and Tamkeen are committed to investing in Bahrain’s pool of highly skilled talent. Each aims to help promote and upskill those with talent and help them find success in their careers. Each aims to help create sustainable growth in Bahrain. They aim to achieve this through strategic talent investment and talent management that allows Bahrain’s tech talent to thrive in their positions. 

Why Bahrain is the Best Place to Recruit Tech Talent

One of Bahrain’s most compelling advantages is its business-friendly environment. The kingdom offers a range of incentives for businesses operating within its borders, such as 100% foreign ownership in most sectors, no personal or corporate taxes, and protection of intellectual property rights. Additionally, Bahrain’s cost of doing business is notably lower than in many other countries in the region, making it an attractive location for startups and established companies alike. This supportive business climate encourages investment in tech ventures and creates numerous opportunities for tech professionals.

Bahrain’s strategic location serves as a gateway to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) markets, providing unparalleled access to the broader Middle East and North African (MENA) region. This geographic advantage allows companies based in Bahrain to easily connect with a vast and diverse market, enhancing their growth potential and reach. For tech talent, this means the opportunity to work on projects with regional and global impact, broadening their experience and expertise.

Additionally, institutes like Tamkeen have also taken steps to give companies hiring talent in Bahrain assistance. Tamkeen offers wage assistance for up to three years to companies hiring from Bahrain’s talent pool. This helps Bahrain’s skilled talent find roles that will have impacts but also allows companies to invest in new and skilled workforces in a way that allows for more flexibility and less financial burden.  

However, Tamkeen doesn’t stop at helping the enterprises in Bahrain find talent, they also have programs in place to help Bahrainis upskill and reskill. These classes can be expensive, that’s why Tamkeen’s Professional Certification Program helps cover the costs of these training programs. If you’re eligible, the program can cover 100% of all costs related to the training program. This includes exam costs, membership fees, study materials, and tuition where applicable.   

The available talent in Bahrain is an exception. The workforce here is found to be some of the most talented when compared to other regions. They’re young, educated, and bilingual, which allows them more opportunities. Additionally, we can prove that our talent is among the best. An ITU report found that Bahrain’s tech talent is 1st in computer programming talent among GCC countries. 

The Future of Tech Talent in Bahrain

Tech talent will continue to grow in importance in the future, and Bahrain is poised to continue forward as a global tech leader. Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030 aims to diversify its economy. Traditionally, Bahrain relied on oil and gas. However, in recent years Bahrain has relied heavily on growing non-oil sectors to provide more opportunity. A growth of 3.8% is expected in non-oil sectors for 2024. This vision acknowledges the transformative impact of technology on industries ranging from finance and manufacturing to healthcare and education, underscoring the perpetual demand for tech expertise.

Moreover, Bahrain is keen on leveraging the potential of Industry 4.0 by investing in smart technologies and digital infrastructure. This commitment is evident in the establishment of tech parks, innovation hubs, and the support of startups and SMEs through favorable policies and funding opportunities. Such environments act as catalysts for innovation, attracting international tech companies and talent while providing local tech professionals with platforms to hone their skills and contribute to global technological advancements. Recently, the Bahrain Economic Development Board and Mumtalakat unveiled Array. This platform aims to create 1000 highly skilled jobs that meet the needs of out digital world, and many different kinds of businesses. 

Bahrain recognizes the critical role of technology in transforming traditional industries and creating new economic opportunities. By integrating technologies Bahrain is not only enhancing its competitive edge but also ensuring that its tech talent pool is versatile, and capable of driving innovation across diverse industries.

Thanks to its educational initiatives, industry partnerships, and pro-business policies, Bahrain is swiftly becoming a key hub for tech talent. Aligned with its Economic Vision 2030 and a focus on Industry 4.0, the kingdom is effectively nurturing and attracting skilled tech professionals. This comprehensive approach positions Bahrain as an attractive destination for both businesses and tech talent, promising a vibrant, future-ready tech ecosystem.

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